Most IELTS candidates worry about the speaking test. They often ask: What if I get a difficult question? What if I can’t understand the examiner? What if I am nervous? What if I am late?
I deal with such questions in this blog. But today I’m going to discuss what you don’t need to worry about in the IELTS speaking test.
Asking questions
The IELTS test is more like an interview between the examiner and you, so generally you don’t need to worry about asking questions. You only need to ask questions if you didn’t hear or fully understand what the examiner said.
Unusual topics
You don’t need to be prepared to talk about every topic. There are many common topics that appear again and again, and there are many topics which candidates will never see. For example, don’t worry about ‘sensitive’ or ‘negative’ topics such as religion, politics, war, etc. Just focus your preparation on familiar topics.
Don’t worry about your pronunciation, unless it is very bad. As long as people can understand you, it is much better to spend time improving your vocabulary and structure.
Telling the truth
In the IELTS test, the examiner is not interested in the truth, only your ability to communicate in English. If you don’t have any ideas, then it is fine to invent a story or opinion.

This FREE eBook Shows You What Kinds of Tasks and Questions to Expect in the IELTS Speaking Test.
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