At the beginning of the IELTS Speaking test the examiner will ask for your name. Just state your real full name or say something like "My name is Chow Xin Xin, but you can call me Stephen." However, if the examiner asks you a question about your name, you must be ready to respond. In this post, I'm going to give you some useful expressions for talking about your name.
Talking about your work
IELTS Speaking Tip – Sample answers for Part 1
I've written this post is to give you a general idea of what is required for each band.
IELTS Speaking Tip – Giving Opinions
Therefore, it is a good idea to learn some special phrases that you can use in your response.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 – Grammar tip
In part one of the IELTS speaking test, you are asked about 12 general questions. These questions will be about yourself, for example your home town, your favourite holiday destination, what books or films you like, your family, your neighbours, etc.
It is important to use correct grammar in your answers, so listen carefully to the questions.