Many candidates are worried about part 2 of the IELTS test. They mainly worry about having nothing to say. Unfortunately, you cannot choose the cue card that you are going to get in part 2, but you should be prepared to talk for 1-2 minutes — even if you are asked to talk about a topic that you do not know anything about! Let’s discuss how you can do this.
Imagine you get the following cue card:
Describe a sporting event that you have attended. You should say:
– what the event was
– when the event took place
– who you went there with
and explain how you felt about it
Let’s say that you have never been to a sporting event in your life. Don’t worry. Try to think of something related to the topic, and talk about that instead. For example, you can talk about a sporting event that you have seen on TV. However, make sure you explain the examiner why you are changing the topic!
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This FREE eBook Shows You What Kinds of Tasks and Questions to Expect in the IELTS Speaking Test.
i like the idea of native online speaker
Do you have a collection for all the cue cards and then the sample questions? offers many cue cards but the follow up questions are not there.
I would like to get all the cue cards from the original IELTS exam and then the model answers even if I have to boy the package.
The has many example but few of them are high quality.
I don’t believe that studying too many model answers is helpful. I’m going to write a blog post on this very soon.
Thank you. IELTS Mentor is a worth visiting website for IELTS Candidates.
Hi thanks for the helpful post on Difficult cue cards.
Based on Mark Aurther’s comment I have visited the website and there are lots of cue card topics with sample answers.
Not all those topics are recent and would be required for an IELTS Candidate but knowing about the types of different Cue Cards would definitely help.
Thanks Mark and the webmaster of this website.
Dear Nestor,
The cue card samples in are really helpful. They have a large number of cue card samples. May be all of those are not needed but yet they give a good idea about the types of cue cards I might get in my IELTS Exam as well as how to answer those.
Waiting for the post you wanted to write about the speaking tips. I must show my gratitude for the wonderful resources you have as well.
Best regards,
I would like to give a head up to this post : I`ve found it very useful for my cue card preparation.